
Windows articles.

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Microsoft Disk Part

It is no secret that the Windows GUI does make certain things harder than they need to be, one of these things in particular is formatting drives using Disk Management. Although 90% of the time disk management will work fine you will run into cases where the partition is marked

Extend User Password Expiry

When you have users that travel for weeks at a time it is likely that you are going to encounter a point when they need to have their password extended so that it does not expire while they are overseas. In this article you will be able to reset the

Delete WIFI Network Windows 8

One of the issues that I have come up against just recently is users not being able to delete or “Forget” a wireless network in order to change settings or Passkeys. This issue branches from the fact that “Manage Wireless Networks” menu has been remove with Windows 8. However you

Query Active Directory From the Command Line

Have you ever noticed how even on a fast computer the active directory users and computers console can take ages to load especially if you just want to check if a user is a memeber of a group or some other quick stats. Well below you will find the way

Find network link speed with powershell

This is a simple command that will allow you to check the link speed of your Windows boxes using powershell, just replace localhost with the name of the machine you want. Get-WmiObject -ComputerName 'localhost' -Class Win32_NetworkAdapter | `Where-Object { $_.Speed -ne $null -and $_.MACAddress -ne $null } | `Format-Table -Property

Simple Windows Backup Using Robocopy

This is a simple backup script for Windows Servers, this script can use network shares or local paths however for this example we have used local paths. In this example the data that we want to backup is on A:AGIX and the directory that we want to store it on

Windows Deployment Services Server

Until I get the chance to write up a new entry this will be my first entry into the Windows tutorials, this is from my old blog and was actually two entries but should be pretty helpful. I have found no matter which company that you work for, there is

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