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Docker for Windows – Install, run and launch a Web Server in Docker

This article shows how to install Docker for Windows 10 (and probably 11), and then start a web server in a Docker container. Install Docker Visit “” and download Docker installer. Start the installation process (you’ll need local admin privileges). During the installation process, the wizard will ask if you

Can’t Use a Password (instead of a PIN) for Windows 10?

Windows 10 allows you to get into a situation where you can’t change your PIN? Worse, you can’t set a password. This article explains how to solve this strange situation. Our objective here is to set a password and change our PIN number. Just setting a password isn’t solving the

Mount SysInternals over HTTP on Linux

This article demonstrates how to mount “” on Linux so that it’s accessible at “/mnt/sysinternals”, for example. On CentOS: yum install davfs2 On Ubuntu: apt install davfs2 Mount it: mount -t davfs /mnt/sysinternals Now you can access it at: # ls /mnt/sysinternals/ accesschk64.exe diskext.exe pipelist.exe RegDelNull.exe accesschk.exe Diskmon.exe PORTMON.CNT

Get and Crack Windows Cached Credentials

This article explains how to extract various Windows dumps of passwords from a target system. To follow along with this article, you’ll need to have administrative access to the target Windows machine, and any endpoint security will need to be tolerant of your activities. Any good AV will likely prevent

Windows 10 Post Install Setup

We don’t tend to install Windows very often these days. It seems to be far more stable than the old days and it mostly just works. But from time to time we do need to install it fresh and there’s a list of things we need to do to make

Join Windows 10 to Azure AD (365)

If you have a “Work or School” Office 365 account, you’re likely able to use it as your Windows Domain service, allowing you go join your Windows 10 Pro (or higher, but not Home) to it as a domain member much like you would with an on-prem domain controller We’ll

Check for Windows Updates using PowerShell

This article shows a one lines (well, 4 lines) that output any updates that are waiting to be installed on your local computer. Open PowerShell and run the following commands: $UpdateSession = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session $UpdateSearcher = $UpdateSession.CreateupdateSearcher() $Updates = @($UpdateSearcher.Search("IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0").Updates) $Updates | Select-Object Title The output should

Get and Crack Windows 10 Passwords

This article demonstrates one way to get and crack Windows 10 passwords. All the steps are completed on Windows 10. The last step of running the hashes through the Rainbow attack process could be replaced with John (JtR). The tools we’ll use are: Windows 10 Pro samdump2 mimikatz Step

Windows Updates Failing – How To Force It

Trouble installing Windows 10 Updates? This article is for you. Visit the site: … and click the “Update Now” button. The program that downloads helps you manually update Windows. Execute it and go through the Wizard. Warning, this takes your computer into a process of uninterruptible reboots and updates

Download and Install Windows Update/Patch Manually CLI

This article shows how to download and apply a Windows patch (update) manually. The following uses “cmd” with Administrative permissions. Start by downloading the patch. You need to visit the following URL and search for the KBxxxxxx file manually. Click on the “Download” link next to the result you’re

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