Web Servers

Get help with Apache, Nginx, Tomcat, Varnish and Load-Balancing Web Servers. AGIX staff have the know-how and experience to help your organisation with best-practices, current technology in various Cloud environments including Amazon AWS. We support popular web engines such as PHP, Python, .net and more. This page shows examples of our work that AGIX shares freely with you. For a fully supported compute environment, contact our team to find out how we can help your organization move forward in the right way.

See Our Blogs on Web Servers

Apache Confluence Reverse Proxy (SSL)

This article demonstrates how to configure an Apache server as a reverse proxy for Confluence. Confluence runs on Tomcat (out of the box) and listens on TCP port 8090 without encryption. Our goal is to listen on port 80 and redirect the connection to port 443 so our reverse proxy

Solution to “Cannot connect to self over HTTP — possible DNS resolution issue.”

If you get the error message as follows or similar to it, this article is for you. One or more HTTP connection tests failed against localhost. Cannot connect to self over HTTP — possible DNS resolution issue. Can't connect to: http://www.example.com In order to run s2Member, your installation of PHP

Chroot Apache PHP Scripts

This is possibly the single most important change you can make to your web server “vhost” to improve security to the entire server. PHP can do anything it likes to your server that the user it runs as can. In other words, it can read your “/etc/passwd” file, your filrewall

Nagios Part 1 | Install & Configure Nagios On CentOS7 and RHEL

This is a multi-part series of Nagios articles all focused on configuring a complete Nagios monitored network. Find all related articles here. This article demonstrates how to install and configure the Nagios monitoring system (the server) on a Linux CentOS 7 or RHEL7 server. This article goes as far as

Block Access to Apache by IP Requests

Sometimes a visitor will arrive at your webserver by specifying the target (your server) by IP address only. This means they will get the first default vhost. It also means they will get an SSL error (mismatching name). This article shows how you can block that with a 403. Put

How to Copy a Directory Structure While Excluding the Files | Linux

Sometimes it’s necessary to copy a directory structure without copying the actual files. This is a two step process as i’ve demonstrated below. However, i bet you can do it with a single command using “find” and its “exec” feature. In this example we’ll copy the “/etc” directory structure. cd

NginX and Rate Limiting Search Bots

This article demonstrates how to rate limit Search Bots with NginX. Our objective is to allow all visitors high speeds while trying to slow down search bots. We’ll limit both kinds of traffic but our priority is to ensure real people have a nicer experience. We’ll be limiting search bots

Optimal Magento Configuration with Varnish and NginX or Apache

The architecture that you decide to use for your Magento site will directly impact the performance of the online store. This article discusses a few alternative ways you can put the puzzle together. There are more and you can be creative with where you place your caching (Varnish) server but

Check if your SSL certificate and Key match

This article shows how to check if your SSL key and certificate match. Why would you do this? Suppose you’ve just purchased a certificate and in the process mixed up your files OR perhaps the files aren’t named in the way the documentation suggests they are. Let’s first see what

Secure WordPress the Hardcore Way

I’ve written about wordpress plenty of times and this time is on how to secure a wordpress installation. Specifically, i have been responsible for a few sites that’ve recently been hacked. Essentially the “bad guys” found a way to upload some files onto the sites and then execute php scripts

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