Ubuntu, Mint & Debian Linux

Get help with Ubuntu, Mint and Debian Linux Distributions. AGIX staff have the know-how and experience to help your organization with best-practices, current technology in various Cloud environments including Amazon AWS. AGIX Linux staff are Ubuntu experts. We study, sell and support Ubuntu Linux to a wide variety of customers. This page shows examples of our work that AGIX Linux shares freely with you. For a fully supported compute environment, contact our team to find out how we can help your organization move forward in the right way.

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Pen Testing Tools – Stuff we all need

This article is mostly a cheat sheet for things pen-testers need. Obviously there’s a little picking and choosing depending on the need. Nmap: Ubuntu: apt install nmap CentOS: yum install nmap Nikto: Ubuntu: apt install nikto CentOS: yum install nikto Mimikatz: https://sourceforge.net/projects/mimikatz.mirror/files/latest/download Hydra: Ubuntu: apt install hydra Cewl: Ubuntu: apt

Configure Metasploit with NMap and the Database – Advanced

This article walks you through the process of installing, configuring and running scans using Metasploit and Nmap. Both CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 20.04 are discussed. Our objective is to be able to run nmap scans and have the results go into a database so we can filter the results later

WiFi Penetration Testing with Ubuntu on USB Storage

This article demonstrates how to use Ubuntu booted from a USB disk to do WIFI penetration testing. Why would you want to do this? If you have Windows on your laptop and need to use Aircrack-NG, you’ll need to fight with wireless adapter driver issues. So you’ll try Kali Linux

Fail2Ban with MySQL Database for IP Blacklisting

This article demonstrates how to configure Fail2Ban to use a MySQL (or MariaDB, etc) as the storage repository for IP blocking records. This allow multiple Fail2Ban services (running on multiple servers) to report and use a central IP blocking repository. A little context. In this article, we’re installing everything on

GeoBlocking with Apache on CentOS and Ubuntu

This article describes how to protect your Apache web server by restricting which countries can access it. We’re using Apache on CentOS 7 but Ubuntu instructions are included and are very similar. I’ve given two examples; one on whitelisting everything except what we want to block, and blacklisting everything except

2FA with SSH on Ubuntu | Google Authenticator

This article walks you through the process of enforcing 2FA on Ubuntu using the Google Authenticator. All of these steps are completed on the system that you want 2FA to be enforced on. Important notes: * SSH key-based logins bypass the 2FA component of the login verification process. * Users

Ansible To Get Linux OS Version Details

This article shows the Ansible playbook used to query target systems to get their version details. Ie, the details obtained from “/etc/*release”. --- - hosts: all # remote_user: root # become: yes tasks: - debug: msg: - "ansible_distribution {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].ansible_distribution }}" - "major version {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].ansible_distribution_major_version }}" - "version {{

Kubernetes (MicroK8s) Part 3 – Exposing Applications on Ubuntu 20.04

This article continues from Part 2 – Replica Sets and Scaling. Our objective in this article is to get an application exposed to the wider network on an IP address of the host and a port of our choice. The IP address will be “” and our port of choice

Kubernetes (MicroK8s) Part 2 – Replica Sets and Scaling on Ubuntu 20.04

This article continues from Part 1 – Installation and configuration. We can create a replica set (replicateset) or “rs” for short, so we can scale an application to meet demand. Create a file on the Kubernetes host called “my-rep-set.yaml” and populate it with the following: Tip: This is just an

Kubernetes (MicroK8s) Part 1 – Installation on Ubuntu 20.04

This article walks you through the process of installing the minimal Kubernetes environment on Ubuntu 20.04. Kubernetes comes in two forms; a single node cluster and a multi-node cluster. In this walk through, we’ll be using the single node cluster called MicroK8s. I suggest starting with a Ubuntu 20.04 server

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