Ubuntu, Mint & Debian Linux

Get help with Ubuntu, Mint and Debian Linux Distributions. AGIX staff have the know-how and experience to help your organization with best-practices, current technology in various Cloud environments including Amazon AWS. AGIX Linux staff are Ubuntu experts. We study, sell and support Ubuntu Linux to a wide variety of customers. This page shows examples of our work that AGIX Linux shares freely with you. For a fully supported compute environment, contact our team to find out how we can help your organization move forward in the right way.

See Our Blogs on Ubuntu, Mint & Debian Linux

Create a Linux based Minecraft Server

The following will guide you into creating a linux based Minecraft server, the example is running on a Ubuntu 12.04 box however this should work any similar distro. First if all we need to make sure that you have java installed, use the command below to do this. If you

Terminal Tip – Find your IP quicker

This one is old and simple but can save you time when trying to get the IP address of the machine you are working with, you will not have to scroll through other bits of information just to find your IP, this is designed for a system with a single

Get notified of Yum updates

You can use this script to get notified of YUM updates. Just add it to your crontab and wait for the emails: Create the script file in “/usr/bin/yum-update-notification.sh” and make it executable. Make sure to change the variables at the top of the script and also the packages to check

Basic Website Stress-Test with Gatling2

This article demonstrates how to run a basic website stress-test using Gatling2. See the previous article on how to install Galting2. In this example, i’m running Gatling2 from “/root/gatling2/”. Create a file in the “/root/gatling2/user-files/simulation/” directory called “MyTest1.scala” (/root/gatling2/user-files/simulation/MyTest1.scala). Add the following content to it: import io.gatling.core.Predef._ import io.gatling.core.session.Expression import

Sudo Without a Password & Restricted Commands/Groups – CentOS and Redhat

This article explains how to use SUDO without being prompted for the password. We can restrict which users and/or groups can do this. As root, edit the file “/etc/sudoers”. Add the line: agix ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL The above means that the user “agix” can use sudo without being prompted for

Configure Varnish Cache for Multiple Domains – CentOS/Redhat 6

This article applies to Varnish 3. This article explains how to configure the Varnish Cache to cache for multiple domains on the same backend server. I’ve used CentOS 6.2 for this example. In this example, Varnish is listening on TCP port 80. The DNS “www” “A” record for the domains

Specifying an SSH private key to use on the command line

You can specify which private key to use when issuing the Linux “ssh” command. This allows you to use one of many different private keys depending on which server(s) you’re connecting to. ssh -l agix example1.agix.local -i id_rsa.exmaple1 -v The above assumes that you have a private key in the

Streaming Internet Music for Asterisk 10 “Music On Hold”

This article explains how to add Music On Hold (or MOH) for Asterisk 10. The music will be streaming from the Internet – in this case, the “ABC News Radio” channel/station. Note that the download of Internet radio data starts when someone goes on hold. And stops when they go

MySQL Database Replication Example

This article explains how to install MySQL 5.1 on Redhat/CentOS and configure replication to a slave MySQL server. In this article, the master host has the IP address “” and the slave has IP address “”. Remember to restart the MySQL server if and when you make changes to the

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