Ubuntu, Mint & Debian Linux

Get help with Ubuntu, Mint and Debian Linux Distributions. AGIX staff have the know-how and experience to help your organization with best-practices, current technology in various Cloud environments including Amazon AWS. AGIX Linux staff are Ubuntu experts. We study, sell and support Ubuntu Linux to a wide variety of customers. This page shows examples of our work that AGIX Linux shares freely with you. For a fully supported compute environment, contact our team to find out how we can help your organization move forward in the right way.

See Our Blogs on Ubuntu, Mint & Debian Linux

Enable SSH on ESX Host

Enabling SSH on ESX hosts is easy however you have to do it so little that it is easy to forget. In the VSphere client go to the “Configuration” tab and select “Security Profile” from the left hand menu, in the top right hand corner of the security profile window

Nasty .DS_Store Files Linux

This is a simple one liner to remove all .DS_Store files that maybe sitting on your Linux box. There are many reasons that you might want to do this but the one that prompted me was this output from an OpenVAS report. MacOS X creates a hidden file, ‘.DS_Store’ in

Mac Botnet you say?

The new well sort of new (The light bulb has only just come on for some users) Mac.BackDoor.iWorm backdoor appears to be causing some concern just lately, I have added a brief description of how it works below but if you want to know more I have linked some good

Git with OpenShift for SysAdmins

This article is a short overview of how to use Git for Linux system administrators particularly when using OpenShift. When you create your OpenShift application, OpenShift will present you with the Git location you must use for uploading and downloading the web-application code. Updates to the web application code in

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 – an overview of changes

Red Hat has provided a short PDF document describing the changes and new features in RHEL 7. There isn’t much that has changed in the way you’d administer a RHEL system except for a handful of components such as the new firewall (firewalld), network control and service control. I’d say

Permitting Apache to use non-standard ports with SELinux

SELinux permits specified program to use specified ports. We must tell SELinux to permit programs to use non-standard ports if we intend to do something abnormal. For example, if we wanted to run Apache on port 81, we’d have to tell SELinux to permit that. Otherwise we’d get errors. When

Performance Monitoring Apache/Httpd

When monitoring the performance of your Apache web server, you should use system level tools such as top, vmstat, free, netstat and so on. In addition, Apache it’s self has a nice feature called “server-status” which allows you to monitor the Apache performance via a web browser. A screen shot

Update OpenSSL on Ubuntu for the HeartBleed bug

On Ubuntu, issue the following commands to update the lest possible packages while patching the Heartbleed bug. apt-get update apt-get install openssl libssl1.0.0 And then restart any services that need it.

Install Composer on CentOS/Redhat

This article explains how to install Composer on a CentOS and Redhat system. curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php You should get something like this in return. Note that i have an old version of PHP on this system so it warns me about it: [root@server ~]# cd ~ [root@server ~]#

Fix Munin Graphs – When they wont update

This article explains how to fix Munin graphs that wont update or have stopped updating. The official FAQ (http://munin-monitoring.org/wiki/faq#Q.Thegraphsarenotupdatinganymore) doesn’t really say much about it. So do this: More info: This is an interesting article related to the issue. “http://grokbase.com/t/sf/munin-users/1166b12gsk/increase-in-period-for-munin-cron-or-munin-update-results-no-graphs”. First, disable munin cron task: mv /etc/cron.d/munin ~/munin.cron Wait until

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