Ubuntu, Mint & Debian Linux

Get help with Ubuntu, Mint and Debian Linux Distributions. AGIX staff have the know-how and experience to help your organization with best-practices, current technology in various Cloud environments including Amazon AWS. AGIX Linux staff are Ubuntu experts. We study, sell and support Ubuntu Linux to a wide variety of customers. This page shows examples of our work that AGIX Linux shares freely with you. For a fully supported compute environment, contact our team to find out how we can help your organization move forward in the right way.

See Our Blogs on Ubuntu, Mint & Debian Linux

Install NX NoMachine on Ubuntu 22.04

NX is an alternative to VNC allowing management of a remote system. NX is opensource (there’s a commercial version), supports encryption, and can be installed on Linux, Windows, and MacOS. This tutorial shows how to install NX on a Ubuntu server, and NX on a Windows 11 client. We’ll then

Terraform – Getting Started – The Important Details You Need To Know

This article guides you through the process of installing Terraform, and running Terraform on your AWS environment for the first time. There’s plenty you need to know to prevent destroying your (or someone else’s) network and resources. I’ve added those issues and solutions to the bottom of this article. Install

Install PostgreSQL, Create a User/Role, Create a DB, Backup a DB, and Restore a DB

This article walks you through the process of installing PostgreSQL, creating a user, backing up a database and restoring a database. In this tutorial, we’re using Ubuntu, but the commands are the same for everything except the installation. Install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu: apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib systemctl start postgresql ufw

Installing Redhat Ansible Automation Platform

This article holds my notes from when I recently tested the Redhat Ansible Automation Platform. I’ve included answers to the questions I had at the start and during my effort to install the system. You need to install this on a Redhat Enterprise Linux v8.4 server, or newer. You don’t

Using the “ip” command rather than “ifconfig” on Linux

Long-time Linux system administrators typically use the “ifconfig” command. Perhaps out of habbit, or because it works on other OS’s (similar to ipconfig on Windows). But we should be using the “ip” command in-place of “ifconfig”. The “net-tools” package needs to be installed if you want the “ifconfig” command, and

Docker 101 – Get your head around Docker

In this article we’re going to walk through installing Docker on Ubuntu, starting a few Docker containers, and then running those containers behind a reverse proxy. When we’re done, you’ll have a load balance terminating SSL (TLS) connections with multiple Docker containers running the workload. This is how it will

Node.JS with MySQL

This article shows how to implement a small Node.js application that pulls data from a local MySQL server. We’re doing this on a CentOS server but that’s not important – any Linux will do. But if you’re using Windows, the installation process will differ. yum install nodejs npm install mysql

My Most Used Metasploit Modules

The modules that we use are specific to our needs. But these are the most commonly used from my recent history. This list is super generic and mostly to supplement my poor memory. These methods/modules rely on a previously completed db_nmap scan. So our targets are readily available from the

Creating your own Password list

If you want to create a customised password list for a specific target (client, I hope), this article is for you. It’s basically just a re-write of “https://karimlalji.wordpress.com/2018/04/26/password-guessing-mangle-a-custom-wordlist-with-cewl-and-hashcat/” which I’ll probably forget later so I’m documenting here. We don’t just want a list of passwords, we want a list of

Mount SysInternals over HTTP on Linux

This article demonstrates how to mount “https://live.sysinternals.com/tools” on Linux so that it’s accessible at “/mnt/sysinternals”, for example. On CentOS: yum install davfs2 On Ubuntu: apt install davfs2 Mount it: mount -t davfs https://live.sysinternals.com/tools /mnt/sysinternals Now you can access it at: # ls /mnt/sysinternals/ accesschk64.exe diskext.exe pipelist.exe RegDelNull.exe accesschk.exe Diskmon.exe PORTMON.CNT

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