Get The Most From Your Redhat Linux Servers

AGIX Linux staff are experienced with all popular distributions of Linux. We work with Redhat Linux and those similar such as Fedora, CentOS and more.

Organizations typically decide on a single distribution to use within their business. When that distribution is Redhat, our staff are ready to help with a strong understanding of current best practices, strong training, and a history of hardening, supporting and maintaining Redhat Enterprise Linux systems.

See Our Blogs on Redhat, Fedora and CentOS Linux

Binding a Linux Machine to AD and Auto Creating User Home Directories

This article demonstrates how to join/bind a Redhat/CentOS or Ubuntu Linux system to an Active Directory domain, and auto creating user’s home directories as they login for the first time. Prepare and Join Linux to a Windows Domain Check the hostname. This is the name that will be created within

Terraform – Getting Started – The Important Details You Need To Know

This article guides you through the process of installing Terraform, and running Terraform on your AWS environment for the first time. There’s plenty you need to know to prevent destroying your (or someone else’s) network and resources. I’ve added those issues and solutions to the bottom of this article. Install

Installing Redhat Ansible Automation Platform

This article holds my notes from when I recently tested the Redhat Ansible Automation Platform. I’ve included answers to the questions I had at the start and during my effort to install the system. You need to install this on a Redhat Enterprise Linux v8.4 server, or newer. You don’t

Increase the size of an EC2 partition (Redhat)

I’ve resized plenty of EC2 disks in my time, but the most recent one was a little different. Most of the disks I resize are on Ubuntu or CentOS, but the most recent one was a Redhat disk. Call me crazy but it’s strangely different. The disks layout looks like

Node.JS with MySQL

This article shows how to implement a small Node.js application that pulls data from a local MySQL server. We’re doing this on a CentOS server but that’s not important – any Linux will do. But if you’re using Windows, the installation process will differ. yum install nodejs npm install mysql

Hide Apache and PHP Version Details

Sometimes we don’t want the public knowing the versions of Apache and PHP running on our servers. This article shows how to hide that information. We’re using CentOS 7 for this example but the only difference really is the location of the configuration file for the Vhosts. Hide the Apache

Creating your own Password list

If you want to create a customised password list for a specific target (client, I hope), this article is for you. It’s basically just a re-write of “” which I’ll probably forget later so I’m documenting here. We don’t just want a list of passwords, we want a list of

Mount SysInternals over HTTP on Linux

This article demonstrates how to mount “” on Linux so that it’s accessible at “/mnt/sysinternals”, for example. On CentOS: yum install davfs2 On Ubuntu: apt install davfs2 Mount it: mount -t davfs /mnt/sysinternals Now you can access it at: # ls /mnt/sysinternals/ accesschk64.exe diskext.exe pipelist.exe RegDelNull.exe accesschk.exe Diskmon.exe PORTMON.CNT

Upgrade MariaDB to 10.3 on CentOS 7

Everything you see here is found more formally at “”. This page is basically just my notes in case I can’t find the other site when I need it in future. We’re using CentOS 7 and upgrading from “MariaDB 5.5” to “MariaDB 10.3”. Backup your DB and config files first.

Pen Testing Tools – Stuff we all need

This article is mostly a cheat sheet for things pen-testers need. Obviously there’s a little picking and choosing depending on the need. Nmap: Ubuntu: apt install nmap CentOS: yum install nmap Nikto: Ubuntu: apt install nikto CentOS: yum install nikto Mimikatz: Hydra: Ubuntu: apt install hydra Cewl: Ubuntu: apt

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