AGIX PostgreSQL Support Your Systems 24/7/365

AGIX Linux provides support for PostgreSQL all year-round. Our team of experienced system administrators are always on hand to help you with any problems you may have. We pride ourselves on providing a high-quality service, and we can assure our customers that their data is in safe hands.

Personalized Service To Fit Your Business Scope

AGIX Linux provides custom solutions for PostgreSQL to deliver the right services that your business needs. We have a team of experts with security clearances, degrees, certifications and more who are familiar with the ins and outs of this service administration system, and they can help you get the most out of it. Whether you need help to set up a new system or optimizing an existing one, we can assist you. We also offer a wide range of support services, so you can be sure that your business is always running smoothly.

Let Our Work Speak For Us

AGIX Linux has worked with a wide range of clients in different industries, including defense, retail, finance, and technology. We have a proven track record in providing support for our clients’ systems that you can browse through. We are confident in our ability to provide the best possible support for your system. Our team is highly skilled in supporting systems. We will work with you to ensure that your system is running smoothly and efficiently 24/7.

See Our Blogs on PostgreSQL

Install and Configure PostgreSQL Stream Replication

This article walks us through the process of installing and configuring two Postgres servers for stream replication. “Stream” replication allows us to replicate all databases from the master to the/a slave. There’s another kind of replication called “Logical” replication, that will replicate “individual” databases on the master to the slave.

Install PostgreSQL, Create a User/Role, Create a DB, Backup a DB, and Restore a DB

This article walks you through the process of installing PostgreSQL, creating a user, backing up a database and restoring a database. In this tutorial, we’re using Ubuntu, but the commands are the same for everything except the installation. Install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu: apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib systemctl start postgresql ufw

Confluence – Recover from User Directory Trouble

If you’re in a situation where you can’t log into Confluence because you messed up your User Directories, try these two steps. First, attempt to log in locally. If that doesn’t work, diddle with the database and reset the state of your User Directories. In this article, we’re assuming the

Configure Metasploit with NMap and the Database – Advanced

This article walks you through the process of installing, configuring and running scans using Metasploit and Nmap. Both CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 20.04 are discussed. Our objective is to be able to run nmap scans and have the results go into a database so we can filter the results later

Installing Confluence & Migrating the Database to MySQL or PostgreSQL

This article explains the process of installing Confluence on your own server and then later migrating your content and settings from the “evaluation” database to something more professional such as MySQL or PostgreSQL. This article is basically an example with sensible assumptions. We’re using CentOS 7. When you first get

Preparing PostgreSQL for Confluence on CentOS 7

This article explains how to install and configure PostgreSQL for a Confluence on a CentOS 7 server.  Read the other Confluence articles on this blog to ensure your web server (if you’re using one) is configured correctly. yum install postgresql-server postgresql-contrib Next you’ll need to do the automatic setup: postgresql-setup

How to Copy Postgresql Role Permissions From One Server to Another

This article shows how to copy role permissions from one server to another. In other words, if you’re moving a database from one server to another and you want permissions to come across too, you’ll be interested in this article. If you have trouble with this tutorial, make sure you

cPanel overwriting my pg_hba.conf file

This article describes and solves (work-around) a problems with PostgreSQL and cPanel. The issue is that cPanel modifies the file “/var/lib/pgsql/9.4/data/pg_hba.conf” setting it back to a default state. This article has more information: By setting that file to your liking such as the following: local all all md5 host

Login to PostgreSQL with PSQL on Redhat/CentOS

This article explains how to login to a PostgreSQL server using the psql tool on Redhat and/or CentOS. You first need the psql tool: yum install postgresql Then use the format below to connect and login. Here we’ll use the username of ‘root’ and the hostname is ‘’. psql -h

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