AGIX MySQL Support Keeps Your Applications Working

MySQL is designed to be lightweight and fast. But they still require general system administration maintenance such as Backups, Restores, Performance Tuning, Clustering and more. AGIX system administrators understand MySQL and are well suited to support your business critical systems running on MariaMySQL DB.

Develop Custom Solutions To Fit Your Business Needs

Each database instance requires careful planning and execution. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Spending the time to consider the options before installation starts can save time and money in the short and long term. A well-planned database instance can make all the difference to the performance and long-term stability of your mission critical databases.

Get A Top-Tier Grade Support Your MySQL Database Deserves

AGIX technicians handle database servers across the world. We take part in planning, installations, in performance tuning, and in redundancies such as clustering. Our objective is to ensure the best performance and uptime (availability) of mission critical databases. A database administrator (DBA) dedicated to the role will probably lack the skills that a well-rounded system administrator can provide.

AGIX technicians focus on a layered approach, starting with the performance of the server, and moving up the stack to the database engine and the databases within it. With a full-stack consideration, the end-result will be significantly more stable and perform better.

If you want to view other customer references on how we deliver our work, browse through this article and see that we are worth your time and money.

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