AGIX MariaDB Support Keeps Your Systems Running Smoothly

AGIX provides general system administration maintenance for MariaDB, including backups, restores, performance tuning, and clustering. We can also help you with troubleshooting and support if you run into any problems. MariaDB is a powerful database system that offers many advantages over other database management systems. It is easy to use, reliable and scalable. With AGIX’s help, you can get the most out of your MariaDB installation.

Personalized Service To Fit Your Business Scope

AGIX creates custom solutions that deliver the right services for your business needs. We have a team of experienced system administrators who can assess your specific requirements and develop a solution that meets your unique needs. Whether you need assistance in installation, backup services and performance tune of MariaDB Database Servers, we can tailor a solution to fit your requirements.

Our Works Speak Volumes About Our Capabilities

AGIX has worked with some of the biggest names in the industry, helping them to achieve their digital transformation goals. We have a proven track record in delivering innovative solutions that drive actual business results.

Some of the notable projects we have delivered include backing up the vTiger CRM database on Synology, upgrading from “MariaDB 5.5” to “MariaDB 10.3”, and configuring Fail2Ban to use a MySQL (or MariaDB, etc) as the storage repository for IP blocking records. You can find more of these works can be found on this article.

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