
Get help with Virtualization for Ubuntu, Redhat and other Linux distributions. AGIX staff have the know-how and experience to help your organisation with virtualization best-practices, current technology in various Cloud environments including Amazon AWS. This page shows examples of our work that AGIX shares freely with you. For a fully supported compute environment, contact our team to find out how we can help your organization move forward in the right way.

See Our Blogs on Virtualization

How to Add a Disk to a KVM Virtual Machine

This article demonstrates how to add and remove a disk from a virtual machine running in KVM. We’re using CentOS 6 but the same works with CentOS 7. First list the disks attached to the virtual machine before we add the new disk. Run the following command while logged into

Install VirtualBox on CentOS and RHEL

This article demonstrates how to install VirtualBox on CentOS 7 and RHEL systems. cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ wget rpm -Uvh Install required packages: yum install gcc make patch dkms qt libgomp yum install kernel-headers kernel-devel fontforge binutils glibc-headers glibc-devel Check where the kernel headers went. We need that for a

Install Vagrant on CentOS 7 and RHEL

This article demonstrates how to install Vagrant on CentOS 7 and RHEL. Note that as of recently, Vagrant is installed differently. Download it for your OS here “”. The following is only if you want to do it the old way. sudo yum install ruby sudo gem install vagrant Find

Migrate a VirtualBox Disk Image (.vdi) to a QEMU Image (.img)

A very simple task with the correct tool, the tool in question is qemu-img. This tool is pulled in when you install QEMU on Gentoo,Redhat and Ubuntu however on Redhat and Ubuntu there is a separate package for it also. On Gentoo if you only wanted qemu-img and nothing else

Install KVM (QEMU) Gentoo

In this article we are going to detail how to install KVM on Gentoo, for the most part it is a normal KVM install but with some Gentoo differences. Going to be installed: QEMU/KVM – Our Base libvirt – For Management virt-manager – For Extra Tools virt-manager – On our

Extend a KVM Disk

A simple one liner to extend the disk of a virtual machine running in KVM. qemu-img resize vmdisk.img +10G The disk will be extended by 10GB, it may take a reboot of the guest machine to pickup the change and you will also need to extend your partitions inside of

VirtualBox for Ubuntu in 2 Minutes

This article is not about installing or designing a virtual environment but simply about listing, starting and stopping virtual guests with the VirtualBox environment. First you need to log into the host server and change to the “vboxadmin” user: su - vboxadmin Run the history command to see what others/you

No Space on RAM Disk

Ran into an issue lately with a VMware cluster that would not play nice when scanned with the update manager in Vcenter. The error that it was returning was something along the lines of “Not enough space on RAM disk”. Turns out someone had configured the logging incorrectly and the

Enable SSH on ESX Host

Enabling SSH on ESX hosts is easy however you have to do it so little that it is easy to forget. In the VSphere client go to the “Configuration” tab and select “Security Profile” from the left hand menu, in the top right hand corner of the security profile window

Error Adding Storage to ESX Host

If you have spent any time configuring VMware ESX you would probably have encountered the dreaded “Hard Disk is Blank” error when trying to add storage to your host. This error is more likely to occur when you are reusing a hard disk or if you are writing over existing

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