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Get notified of Yum updates

You can use this script to get notified of YUM updates. Just add it to your crontab and wait for the emails: Create the script file in “/usr/bin/” and make it executable. Make sure to change the variables at the top of the script and also the packages to check

How to Stress-Test a WebServer (Siege, Gatling and basic Maths)

It’s important to know how many people a website server can handle at a given time. Tools like Siege and Gatling are open-source tools that can help. Stress testing tools such as Siege and Gatling make a given number of TCP connections to the target webserver. A typical web browser

Basic Website Stress-Test with Gatling2

This article demonstrates how to run a basic website stress-test using Gatling2. See the previous article on how to install Galting2. In this example, i’m running Gatling2 from “/root/gatling2/”. Create a file in the “/root/gatling2/user-files/simulation/” directory called “MyTest1.scala” (/root/gatling2/user-files/simulation/MyTest1.scala). Add the following content to it: import io.gatling.core.Predef._ import io.gatling.core.session.Expression import

Install Gatling Website Stress-Tester on CentOS 6/Redhat 6

Gatling is a website stress-testing tool. It runs on Java so you need to install JRE7. This article is based on CentOS 6.4. Note that “good” documentation for Gatling basically doesn’t exist. The website ( doesn’t have much information and i can’t find anything significant elsewhere. So here are my

Display a message when users login (MOTD)

To display a message to all users who log into your server, you should edit the file “/etc/motd” as root. #### This is the Web Server for AGIX. #### Note that this message is displayed ‘after’ someone has logged in, not before. Nothing further needs to be done. Just try

Sudo Without a Password & Restricted Commands/Groups – CentOS and Redhat

This article explains how to use SUDO without being prompted for the password. We can restrict which users and/or groups can do this. As root, edit the file “/etc/sudoers”. Add the line: agix ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL The above means that the user “agix” can use sudo without being prompted for

Using Varnish to “Cap” Server Load – Redhat/CentOS

This article demonstrates how to Cap or Limit the load on a Web Server using Varnish. The idea here is to specify a timeout value which, if exceeded, the web surfer will be diverted to a customised error page. By adjusting the timeout value, the administrator can choose what kind

Installing Debian on a Raspberry Pi using a Mac OSX

This article explains how to install Debian on a Raspberry Pi. You will need to download the Debian distro prepared for the Pi. Get it from here: Downloads TIP: Use a fast SD card. They come rated: Class Minimum Speed Class 2 2 MB p/s Class 4 4 MB p/s

Install Cobbler on CentOS/Redhat

This article explains the installation process for Cobbler on CentOS 6.4 64bit. Install Cobbler and the other services. TIP, you need the EPEL repo available: yum install cobbler* tftp* httpd Edit the “/etc/xinetd.d/tftp” file to enable the TFTPd service: service tftp { socket_type = dgram protocol = udp wait =

Varnish Cache as a Load Balancer on CentOS/Redhat

This article explains how to configure the Varnish Cache as a load balancer. In other words, you have two Web Servers with a Varnish server in-front of them. As illustrated below: Internet -> Varnish -> Web Server 1 -> Web Server 2 Varnish does it’s load balancing in a round-robin

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