All HowTo's

Get help with Linux, Automation, Cybersecurity and more. AGIX staff have the know-how and experience to help your organisation with best-practices, current technology in various Cloud environments including Amazon AWS. Our technicians support Ubuntu, Redhat, Databases, Firewalls, Ansible and Terraform, Storage and more. This page shows examples of our work that AGIX shares freely with you. For a fully supported compute environment, contact our team to find out how we can help your organization move forward in the right way.

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Install Munin Server on Redhat/CentOS

This article explains how to install Munin Server on CentOS and Redhat. This article doesn’t deal with the client (node) side of things. The Munin Node is documented here. Install the Munin Server packages: rpm -Uvh yum groupinstall "Web Server" yum install -y munin php You can change the

Watch a directory for changes with inotify

The following is a quick and simple way to watch a directory for changes and then report any such changes into a file. For this example the watched directory is /var/www/ and the log file location is /srv/log.txt apt-get install inotify-tools apt-get install screen screen -S "inotify script" inotifywait -m

Minimal Nginx and PHP-FPM on CentOS

This article explains how to install a minimal Nginx server with php-fpm on a CentOS server. Install the packages: yum install nginx php-fpm php And here is the sample virtual-host config “/etc/nginx/conf.d/”: server { listen 80; server_name *; access_log /var/log/nginx/; error_log /var/log/nginx/; root /var/www/; index index.php; location / {

Create a Linux based Minecraft Server

The following will guide you into creating a linux based Minecraft server, the example is running on a Ubuntu 12.04 box however this should work any similar distro. First if all we need to make sure that you have java installed, use the command below to do this. If you

Give a user complete access to Samba share contents – regardless of local permissions

It can be useful to give one user (perhaps the administrator) access to all data on the Samba server regardless of local disk access permissions and ownership. For example, suppose the administrator needs to access all data in “/home” to run nightly backups. This would be a suitable solution. The

Install and configure VNC Server for Redhat/CentOS

This article explains how to install and configure VNC Server for Redhat or CentOS. This is the preferred graphical way to remotely manage a Redhat system. Our objective in this tutorial is to allow two users to log in via VNC; the “root” user and the “agix” user. Both will

Terminal Tip – Find your IP quicker

This one is old and simple but can save you time when trying to get the IP address of the machine you are working with, you will not have to scroll through other bits of information just to find your IP, this is designed for a system with a single

Install VMWare Tools on Redhat/CentOS

This article explains how to install VMWare Tools on a CentOS or Redhat system. Consider taking a snapshot of the guest first as the installer plays around with the kernel. From within the VMWare client on your Windows system, right click on the virtual machine and choose “Guest” and then

Your own YouTube in PHP – a web interface to your movies

This is a simple script (very simple, nothing fancy) that gives you a nice web interface to your movies. Your movies and the following php script must be in the same directory and that directory must be servable by apache or whatever web server your using. For example, put your

How to Purge Varnish Cache Remotely

This article explains how to purge a Varnish cache from a remote system. For example, if your proxy server is on a different physical server from your web server, you may find it hard to devise a trigger for a Varnish cache flush (purge). This article explains how you can

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