All HowTo's

Get help with Linux, Automation, Cybersecurity and more. AGIX staff have the know-how and experience to help your organisation with best-practices, current technology in various Cloud environments including Amazon AWS. Our technicians support Ubuntu, Redhat, Databases, Firewalls, Ansible and Terraform, Storage and more. This page shows examples of our work that AGIX shares freely with you. For a fully supported compute environment, contact our team to find out how we can help your organization move forward in the right way.

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Install and Configure PostgreSQL Stream Replication

This article walks us through the process of installing and configuring two Postgres servers for stream replication. “Stream” replication allows us to replicate all databases from the master to the/a slave. There’s another kind of replication called “Logical” replication, that will replicate “individual” databases on the master to the slave.

Upgrade WordPress Fast from the CLI (quick and dirty)

This article describes the fastest way I know to upgrade a WordPress site. A little background: I recently had a WordPress site that was error’ing when attempting to administer it. There were missing functions, etc. I decided to simply upgrade the WordPress code-base to the latest and solve the problem

Change OpenVPN Site-to-Site VPN from Shared Key to SSL/TLS (Netgate pfSense)

In this article, we’re modifying an existing OpenVPN site-to-site (peer to peer) VPN. We’re aware of the change that will come into effect soon that OpenVPN will no longer support shared keys for site-to-site VPNs. We’re going to modify an existing VPN to use SSL rather than the shared key

Ansible AWX Targeting Windows via SSH – The details you might have missed

This article highlights some important details for those working with Ansible AWX. Specifically, when the target system/s are Windows based. The two options to target a Windows host is WinRM and SSH. SSH is easier. It just requires the OpenSSH Server “feature” to be installed which is a simple process.

Binding a Linux Machine to AD and Auto Creating User Home Directories

This article demonstrates how to join/bind a Redhat/CentOS or Ubuntu Linux system to an Active Directory domain, and auto creating user’s home directories as they login for the first time. Prepare and Join Linux to a Windows Domain Check the hostname. This is the name that will be created within

Install NX NoMachine on Ubuntu 22.04

NX is an alternative to VNC allowing management of a remote system. NX is opensource (there’s a commercial version), supports encryption, and can be installed on Linux, Windows, and MacOS. This tutorial shows how to install NX on a Ubuntu server, and NX on a Windows 11 client. We’ll then

Synology Virtual Machine Settings for Ubuntu

This article shows the correct settings to use for running a Ubuntu Linux virtual machine on the Synology NAS. The default settings wont work, but with a few adjustments, you can easily run Ubuntu Linux virtualization on a Synology NAS. The virtual machine manager settings windows should look similar to

Restore Files From Hyper Backup S3 Bucket (A Disaster Recovery Test)

The Synology Hyper Backup software is great for creating scheduled backup tasks, but there is basically no guide or documentation on how to do a DR test. Essentially, when doing a DR test, we want to know it’s out-of-band and not going to interrupt production system, and can simulate a

Backup vTigerCRM on Synology (MySQL / MariaDB)

Synology include the vTiger CRM suite as a plugin/add-on. They didn’t include a backup solution though. This how-to described how to backup the vTiger CRM database. The idea is to dump the database regularly, into a place that some other backup process includes. For example, if you have a “Shared

Terraform – Creating a VPC with an EC2 (With Examples)

This article shows how to create an ec2 in a VPC with an Internet Gateway, Subnet, Route Table and Security Gateway, in AWS. See our “Getting started with Terraform” article for basic information about getting started with Terraform and voiding issues. The Terraform manifest “” file looks like the following.

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