AGIX Linux Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a priority for networks and organizations, especially in industries that handle sensitive information. The certified Linux cybersecurity experts at AGIX Linux are trusted professionals when it comes to keeping networks and systems safe from harm. Whether you need to protect sensitive information from outside interference or just keep hackers out of your network, AGIX Linux has the experience that can help.

Security Experts That You Can Trust

AGIX Linux professional team has the experience that you can count on when it comes to cybersecurity. Having worked with organizations in high-security industries such as Defense and Finance, we understand the intricacies of keeping information secure from an unexpected attack. With our years of experience, we can be trusted with the most sensitive information in your network.

We Take Cybersecurity Seriously

Our experienced professionals at AGIX Linux are highly equipped to handle every aspect of cybersecurity. Working with sensitive information requires more than just careful planning and serious oversight; we also conduct extensive testing in every step of the way, and ensure that everything is up-to-date by our clients’ exacting standards. Consult with us and see why our clients trust us with even the most complex security concerns.

See Our Blogs on Cyber-Security

Get and Crack Windows 10 Passwords

This article demonstrates one way to get and crack Windows 10 passwords. All the steps are completed on Windows 10. The last step of running the hashes through the Rainbow attack process could be replaced with John (JtR). The tools we’ll use are: Windows 10 Pro samdump2 mimikatz Step

Generate a CSR With Alt Names Using OpenSSL

This article demonstrates how to generate a CSR (certificate signing request) using OpenSSL. In the examples below, change the bold text to be correct for you. Generate the key file: openssl genrsa -out example.key 2048 && chmod 0600 example.key Create the config file as “/etc/httpd/example.csr.conf: [ req ] default_bits =

Windows Updates Failing – How To Force It

Trouble installing Windows 10 Updates? This article is for you. Visit the site: … and click the “Update Now” button. The program that downloads helps you manually update Windows. Execute it and go through the Wizard. Warning, this takes your computer into a process of uninterruptible reboots and updates

Installing OpenVAS on Kali in 2020

This article explains how to install OpenVAS on Kali Linux. The difference between this method and others is the switch from “openvas” to “gvm” for naming/marketing. As you might have seen, I’ve written several articles on installing and using OpenVAS on CentOS. Don’t do it. Don’t go through the pain

Protecting Against AirCrack-NG

This is a short article focused on helping you protect your wireless network from hackers. The AirCrack-NG suite is the most common set of tools used to crack wireless networks. For that reason, we’re focused on that suite for this article. Other tools need to deal with the same wireless

Cracking WIFI with AirCrack-NG (Fedora, CentOS, RHEL)

This article demonstrates how to crack a wireless network using the AirCrack-NG suite. Note that this will only work with WPA/WPA2 PSK wireless networks. That’s the limits of this generation of the AirCrack-NG suite. Only do this on a network that you own or are responsible for and have permission

Installing Bitwarden in Docker on Fedora

This article is quick walk-through explaining how to install Bitwarden on Fedora 32 but should work on CentOS 7 and 8 as well as RHEL. Install the docker packages: yum install docker docker-compose systemctl enable docker systemctl restart docker Download the Bitwarden scripts: curl -Lso chmod +x

Nmap with Vulscan on CentOS 7 or 8 – A short HowTo

This article shows how to install and run Nmap using the Vulscan add-on to do vulnerability assessments. Download Nmap: yum install nmap Install the Vulscan.nse script: /usr/share/nmap git clone vulscan Run a scan targeting the machine (in this example) “”: nmap -sV --script vulscan/vulscan.nse My output looks like

Nmap with Vulners on CentOS 7 or 8 – A short HowTo

This article shows how to install and run Nmap using the Vulners script to do vulnerability assessments. Download Nmap: yum install nmap Install the Vulners.nse script: /usr/share/nmap wget Run a scan targetting the machine (in this example) “”: nmap -sV --script vulners.nse My output looks like this: 22/tcp

Restore pfSense From Backup Using The CLI (command line)

When all goes bad and you can’t get to the web interface of your Netgate pfSense, you’ll have no option but to try using the CLI (command line). This happened to me recently and this article explains what i did to recover. A few worthy points: The pfSense configuration file

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