AGIX Discussion

Get help with Linux, Automation, Cybersecurity and more. AGIX staff have the know-how and experience to help your organisation with best-practices, current technology in various Cloud environments including Amazon AWS. Our technicians support Ubuntu, Redhat, Databases, Firewalls, Ansible and Terraform, Storage and more. This page shows examples of our work that AGIX shares freely with you. For a fully supported compute environment, contact our team to find out how we can help your organization move forward in the right way.

See Our Blogs on AGIX Discussion

Business Continuity Planning for Transactional Businesses

Business Continuity Planning is critical for transactional businesses more-so than non-transactional businesses. What do I mean by “transactional”? If you process things in real time such as sales of products or processing packages for shipment, you are transactional. The reason transactional businesses need to consider business continuity to a greater

The Australian Encryption Laws – A Solution

The Australian lawmakers are passing laws that progressively take away privacy of the citizens of this country. The most recent successful attempt to increase the powers of the security agencies focuses in “encrypted message interception” which, in effect forced technology companies to assist security agencies with message interception. Exactly how

Manage Everything With Ansible

Ansible is a buzz word at the moment. Ever since Redhat purchased Ansible back in 2016, it has been rare to hear about anyone deploying alternative automation systems. Recently Ansible has been commercialized into Ansible Tower allowing a wider audience to take advantage of the benefits of automation. I recently

Creating & Restoring From Snapshots in AWS

Just like with VMWare or Hyper-V, Amazon’s AWS supports snapshots and they make it easy to create them and restore from them. But in true AWS style, they don’t make it obvious how it works. I’m hoping to change that in this article. I’ve used the word “snapshot” but strictly

How To SSH Tunnel – Access Resources Behind a Firewall

Scenario: You’re at home and want to log into the office Intranet to finish up some work. But wait, the Intranet is on your corporate network and you’re at home. Sure you can use your corporate VPN – if you have one and can remember the credentials. If not, consider

How To Start a Staff Induction System

All businesses need a way to induct their new staff into the business. So far it’s either paper based, computer based or purely verbal. This article is for those that want to use a computer based system. Here’s an important tip. If you’re going to use an LMS (learning management

Australian Institute of Company Directors | Taking IT Security Seriously

Recently I received an email forwarded-on by a company director who asked the question “How are we treating IT security in our business?”. I was pleasantly surprised. The email was originally sent by someone who had done the course and felt compelled to share it with those in similar positions

Exam Kabam – Free Signup This Week Only

We’re excited to share our IT Security Exam preparation tool with our fellow IT professionals at no cost for the this week only. Next week it will be back to subscriptions only. Go to “” and click the Signup button. Your free subscription will work for a month and no

https:// By Default, It’s a Matter of Time

As it is right now, when you browse to your favorite website, your web browser attempts to connect insecurely first and then, if told to, it will try again securely. I suspect this will change one day soon and the sooner the better. Most websites that you visit today will

IT Security Policies For Small & Medium Enterprises

This is a repository for IT security related policy documents. AGIX is focused on helping all businesses create and apply effective IT security policies to ensure businesses are not part of the problem of the global insecurity situation but rather they become part of the solution. These documents can be

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