AGIX Discussion

Get help with Linux, Automation, Cybersecurity and more. AGIX staff have the know-how and experience to help your organisation with best-practices, current technology in various Cloud environments including Amazon AWS. Our technicians support Ubuntu, Redhat, Databases, Firewalls, Ansible and Terraform, Storage and more. This page shows examples of our work that AGIX shares freely with you. For a fully supported compute environment, contact our team to find out how we can help your organization move forward in the right way.

See Our Blogs on AGIX Discussion

Cybersecurity Staff Training Session – Part 1

Welcome to the first part of the AGIX Cybersecurity training course. This course is focused on staff related matters. Cybersecurity relates to people as much as organisations, and as such we’ll ensure home and work perspectives are covered. We discuss the methods and solutions, and we discuss what to look

Cybersecurity Staff Training Session – Part 2

Welcome to the second part of the AGIX Cybersecurity training course. This course is focused on staff related matters. Organisationsare under constant attack. Some attacks are “testing the water” while others are organized, local and effective. Organisations are constantly defending against cyber-threats. Targets All organisations are targets. Online businesses. Physical

Open letter in response to Strengthening Australia’s cyber security regulations and incentives.

Recently the Australian Government, through the Minister for Home Affairs and the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology put out a request for participation in an open discussion relating to “strengthening Australia’s cyber security regulations and incentives”. This article is my view on how we can respond effectively. You can

Windows 10 Post Install Setup

We don’t tend to install Windows very often these days. It seems to be far more stable than the old days and it mostly just works. But from time to time we do need to install it fresh and there’s a list of things we need to do to make

What you need in a Firewall

If you’re not filtering your internet traffic, you have a router, not a firewall. The good news is that most firewalls have features that can go a long way to protecting your IT and business resources. Let’s start with the different kinds of firewalls and their use-cases. A “packet filter”

More of Share an EC2 AMI Image with Another AWS Account

This article demonstrates how to share an image with another AWS account. For example, you have an EC2 that needs to be moved to another AWS account. If so, this article is for you.   Start by logging into the source AWS account. This is the account where the EC2

Multiple Google Routers in Bridge Mode – My Experience

This article discussed my experiences with the Google Home WIFI Router. Specifically, my experience trying to get multiple access points working on the same network in Bridge mode rather than NAT mode. The documentation states that a Google Home Router can’t be in Bridge mode and work with additional access

Protecting Against AirCrack-NG

This is a short article focused on helping you protect your wireless network from hackers. The AirCrack-NG suite is the most common set of tools used to crack wireless networks. For that reason, we’re focused on that suite for this article. Other tools need to deal with the same wireless

Why I Use pfSense Over Other Firewall Appliances

I’m not married to the idea of using any product over another. It’s not the branding, how nice it looks or how much it costs (although those things may have an impact) that sways me one way or another. It’s the use of technology. It’s the principle and philosophy of

Google Home – My First Week With Google’s Home Automation

I’ve spent the past week installing, configuring, learning and experimenting with Google Home automation. For the most part it has been an easy exercise but it comes with serious frustrations. The frustrations aren’t to do with limitations in the capabilities but rather in the faults and unexpected behavior (and my

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